Episode 08: Being Single in a Couple’s Culture

Lily & Jade
Hosted by
Lily & Jade

How do single people hold on to their hearts in a culture that doesn’t see you unless you are part of a couple? What about our own expectations and desires, not to mention your parents, or what it feels like when everyone around you seems to have found their person, but you are still waiting? In Episode 8, Lily & Jade chat with Louise about how to trust God and find peace in a season of being single.

We hope you enjoyed this podcast. You can find us at https://bridgemaybeicy.org/ on Facebook (Bridge May Be Icy Podcast) on Instagram (bridgemaybeicypodcast) and on Twitter (@BMBI_Podcast). Thanks for listening!!

I’ve been viewing being single as a season of waiting and it has stopped my life from being lived to its full potential. Even if I am in this season of waiting, it doesn’t mean that I have to wait to live.



Allen, J. (2020). Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts. Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook.

Soul Ties: Soul Ties: Meaning, Signs, and How to Break One (wikihow.com)

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