Episode 09: Season 1 Reflections

Lily & Jade
Hosted by
Lily & Jade

Hi Friends! In Episode 09, Lily and Jade have some fun reflecting back on Season 1 (our first 8 episodes). This is a great episode to give you a sense for what we are trying to accomplish by gathering ‘tools for your toolbox’ to assist with anxiety and depression on your healing journey.

We hope you enjoyed this podcast. You can find us at https://bridgemaybeicy.org/ on Facebook (Bridge May Be Icy Podcast) on Instagram (bridgemaybeicypodcast) and on Twitter (@BMBI_Podcast). Thanks for listening!!

It’s like trying to run in quicksand…uber slow-motion… It doesn’t matter how fast you try to go, you just can’t go any faster.



Anxiety and Depression Association of America: https://adaa.org

Episode 3 Gin Burchfield website: www.purelifenc.com

Episode 4 Jean Twomey website: www.aitkinacu.com

Episode 6 Mary Scro website: Life Is Not A Formula, LLC

Episode 8 Soul Ties: Soul Ties: Meaning, Signs, and How to Break One (wikihow.com)

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