Episode 05: Through the Lens of a Social Worker with Victoria Conrey

two people holding hands
Lily & Jade
Hosted by
Lily & Jade

Ever wonder what a Social Worker does and how that is different from other types of therapists? In Episode 05, our friend Victoria Conrey answers these questions and explains the importance of a treatment plan that integrates your social support network, especially when dealing with anxiety and depression.

We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you have any comments, you can find us at https://bridgemaybeicy.org/ on Facebook (Bridge May Be Icy Podcast) on Instagram (bridgemaybeicypodcast) and on Twitter (@BMBI_Podcast). Thanks for listening!!

“Social work is something that is so broad and is a role that is in almost every field: there are social workers in the medical field, … counseling field, non-profit world, the federal world, the corporate world. Social workers are everywhere.”

-Victoria Conrey


Victoria’s recommendations are coming soon – watch this space!

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